Wow. I have not blogged in ages... and ages.. and I can't sleep... so this is gonna be a train of thought post... brace yo' self.
I was in a show, All Shook Up, and I was the dance captain, which was HUGE for me. I didn't know that they were going to ask me, a head of time, and on the first day of rehearsals they announced, "So and So is our Production Manager and our Dance Captain is going to be Haley." It was kind of surreal. Mainly because I am a rising Junior and there were people in the cast who have not only been at this theatre longer but are also older than me. I was beyond flattered that they thought that much of me, and I can now honestly say I know what if feels like to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I swear it felt like someone poured warm water straight from my head to my toes.
Also, on opening night our director, who is also directing a main-stage show soon, gave all of the principle characters thank you notes and words of encouragement. I was expecting something along the lines of, "Thanks for all of your hard work, have a great show." But instead, I see the words, "Will you be in ____?" I AM GOING TO BE IN A MAIN-STAGE SHOW. WHAT?
Over these past three years that I have been at this theatre, and this past year especially, I have tried really hard not only to excel and be the best that I can be, but also to be reliable and the type of person that the instructors want to have around. Even though it's what I want to do for the rest of my life, and I wouldn't trade this experience for the world, it is A LOT of work and it's nice to see that all of my efforts are paying off. God is so GOOD. I am so thankful for the opportunities that He gives me, and the guidance that He gives me to make the right, and sometimes the harder, decisions in my life.
As most everyone knows, school is starting soon, and, as I mentioned before, I am a rising Junior, but here's the thing, 95% of my friends graduated this past year, and that means that they have already left or are leaving in this next week to go to college. The fact that they would be leaving have been looming over me for the past year, but it has really hit me tonight, and I am 99.9% sure that is why I can't sleep. I don't know what I am going to do this next year without them. I KNOW that God will help me through this rough patch while my emotions are raw and I just feel like crying... and Hallelujah for the internet and Skype. At least we will be able to stay in touch. It's mostly just the dance classes and acting classes where I will notice the gaping hole. My love for these girls that are going off to college is great that I don't think anyone could even comprehend how much I will and do miss them. I know that they will all do great things, and I can't wait to catch up with them this coming Christmas break!! It's going to be hard, but I will make it through with His help, and I will learn and grow from this change.
I think I needed to vent more than anything tonight, or this morning I guess, and I feel better now that my thoughts are all laid out in front of me.
Also, did I mention that I am obsessed with the Office? Because I am.
I can't wait until dance, TV shows, and school (surprisingly) start up again! And I can't wait to hit the ground running. This year will be better than the last.
Lastly, I am going to try really hard to hardcore document my life this year via this blog, pictures, Facebook, and video.
Okay I think that is enough for one post. Phew!
Good morning!