Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who am I?

I have been thinking a lot today. I mean legit silent, contemplative thinking. Some about school, summer, summer being over soon, friends leaving and going to college, and about me and where I am. This thinking made me realize that I haven't been my usual self lately and that really bothers me. I know that part of the problem is a server lack of sleep for a month (while I was in a show) to all of the sudden having not much to do. It's easy to keep going, even when you are on 0%, when you have places to go and people to see; but when you have virtually nothing to do all of your tiredness catches up to you and just crushes you. Literally.

Although it would be easy to blame it all on a lack of sleep, I know that sleep aint the only problem.

Recently I have been lazy. In all areas of my life. My room is not clean (dirty clothes, trash, etc.), wearing sweats every day, I haven't been reading at all really (B-A-D), and, worst of all, I have been slacking off on my quite time only doing it every other day or every two days. DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER. Aaannndddd the number one reason why Haley has not been herself recently is... lack of quiet time. Ugh. Not okay. God showed me today that I was slipping. I love my mom, she's amazing, and we have always gotten along so well but recently we have been out of sync and today I snapped at my mom in the car and didn't even feel bad about it. Who am I? Without asking for and acknowledging God's peace and guidance throughout my day I get on edge and other people feel the effects. Well not anymore, this is me saying things are going to be different.

My goals for the rest of the summer are:
  1. Get back to having my quiet time everyday
  2. Get tan
  3. Get my hair cut really short
  4. Read four good books
  5. Make a youtube channel
  6. Practice breakdancing
  7. Work on splits
  8. Go to the gym/ workout
  9. Spent quality time with my family at the beach
This blog was a really good idea, my mom's of course. ;)

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