Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I know, I know. I didn't post yesterday. And yes, I did realize that the world stop turning due to my negligence. However, the story that I have to tell you today about what happened yesterday will more than suffice for two whole posts.

Where to begin...

On Monday night I asked my mom if she had seen my paycheck (you see, because we weren't going to be able to go the bank for a while I used fifty dollars that I already had to go shopping so that when I cashed the check I would be back at square one). She said no but she thought that it was on the island. Well that seemed like a good enough answer for my so I promptly forgot about the darn check.

Tuesday morning, around 10 o'clock, my mom brings the check up. It's not on the island. Not even. Well this leads to us going through all the papers on the island, on my mom's desk, going through my cubby, and searching my entire room. Narrowing down the number of places it could be. "Could it be..." "No" "Could it be..." "No" "Could it be..." "No" "Could it be..." "No" ... on and on and on. Fifty dollar check. As you can imagine both my mom and I got a little stressed about the whole situation. It was not good. Well then we decided that to take our minds off of it we would go to a movie. We went and saw Killers with Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher and it was so good. I mean really. Quality entertainment. But as soon as the movie was over, the check was back at the front of my mind. Now something I forgot to mention was that, after a week of living in the Sahara, it rained the petting zoo. For the drive home my sister, Morgan, decides that she wants to drive. (I HATE it when she drives.) And so she nearly crashes the car like three times and if I wasn't stressed before I am now. So after 45 minutes we get home and resume the search. For some reason I was convinced that it had gotten knocked in the trash and so my mom and I went through ALL of our trash. The entire trash can. It smelled awful. Open a bag, dig through. No. Fifty dollar check. For five more hours we looked. It was ridiculous. Some stupid little fifty dollar check has now taken up the entire day. I told my younger siblings, Katharine and Jack, that if either of them found that check they could keep the money. I just wanted to know where it was. I had tried to retrace my steps but I couldn't seem to remember anything but leaving it on the island. I was completely emotionally exhausted and was too worked up at the time to write about it, so I just went to bed and prayed for a good long time.

This beautiful, glorious, wonderful Wednesday morning my brother, Jack, comes in my room and tells me that I need to come down stairs right now. So I go down, disgruntled thinking that it will be something stupid, just to humor him. Standing there by the fridge is my mother with that fifty dollar check in her hands. Suddenly it all came back to me and I literally almost fell over. On Saturday night I had my check out and I was admiring it and I said to my mother, "It's too bad that our fridge isn't magnetic or I could hang my check on it." But the thing is, the sides of it are. So using a clip I hung it on the side of the fridge that faces away from the center of the room because the other side was full. The side of the fridge that you can't see unless you really want to. That means that while I was looking for that stupid stupid fifty dollar check I must have walked last it 500 times.

What utter stupidity.

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